Matt Suedkamp

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since Mar 01, 2017
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Im actually finishing up a 3 week work trip through Ecuador and this small town i was in(Pillaro), near Ambato, had a cuy farm.  I purchased 5 babies and intended to fly them back in the cargo area but was then informed by AA that it would cost $500+ and they would take them to Chicago instead of CVG, which is my destination, which would mean theyd be at the mercy of the airlines for at least an extra day in order for me to arrnage a pickup.  I decided it wouldnt be worth the price/risk at this time so i let them go in a wooded area outside of town.

If anyone ever wants to arrange a group buy I now have a good contact to purchase cuy in Ecuador.  They are substantially larger than our US guinea pigs.  I have attached a couple pictures i took at the small scale cuy farm.
5 years ago