bob schroeder

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since Aug 05, 2018
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Recent posts by bob schroeder

thank you for answering back.
So i see my entire post was removed now. I did edit the post and remove the link to the flavor bible  and now see the entire post was removed. well ok then I guess that is how it gets fixed.  
So I found a free link to the Flavor bible pdf and posted it and, it was flagged. In the same post there is a free link to how to cook everything pdf and it was not flagged. As these are both free and available online I do not get it. I thought I was sharing possibly great information about what the original poster asked for. I did edit the post and removed the link to the flavor bible but kept the link to the other free pdf(how to cook everything) . Since I see alot of other links everywhere I browse on the forum I would think this would be helpful.
