Rahima Teall

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since Jul 10, 2016
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Groton, United States
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Recent posts by Rahima Teall

Bears here are generally under 500lb, but a large one can be 650lb. The dome will hold over 1,000 lbs. I was going to add hog wire, but the triangles are too small from a small bear - the struts are only 11" inches long so the triangles are too small for a bear to reach in. I do need to add more anchors. I think I only have 5. Of course, a bear could dig...someone down the road just puts wood with nails sticking up near the hive.

The door to the dome is North West and the bee hive opening is south east. After a lot of thought, I think I will try a short hugakulture on the North side leaning into the dome. Even if snow piles up, it would be better than wind. I am adding insulation to the hive and the honey stores will help insulate from the wind too.  The reason I am using a dome is I can't reliable keep an electric fence up in the Winter and that's when we saw the paw print in the driveway. I also only have one hive in there just in case. I would be so sad if it gets smashed.  My next option is on top of the garage but that has a lot of concerns. Time will tell.... Thanks for the comments. I hadn't thought of the snow part at all and had just decided what I was doing the other day.
Hi there,
There is a door but it is clipped on. I was a little worried a smart bear would just walk in for a snack.  The hive is Cathedral Top Bar Hive which I like so far. The vines we started this year didn't make it. Not enough water and they were already limping before we planted them.  I could try some Peas and leave the vines but I am not sure it would be enough protection.  As a last resort, I could do some hay bales if I could find some that weren't sprayed. It is getting a little late in the season, that is why I was thinking a wall because I don't think vines would grow fast enough for this year.

I have about 1/3 of an acre to play with that is flat with no water. It's next to an organic farm fwhich in the Winter, the cold N. England wind visable comes across. There are a few trees planted on the north side that breaks it up some. My bee hive used to be next to a tree there.  Now I have a different setup for the bee hive, and I am wondering if I build a hugelkulture on the North side of the bee hive, if it would help keep it warm. Or maybe I would be better off with rocks?  I want to break up the wind mostly.

The 1/3 acre is an old horse pasture full of whatever wants to grow there right now. I have the home rented out to cover the major house repairs, so I am only up there once a week in the non-snow season.

Also, here's the hard thing - I really don't have much help unless I hire people.  I can rent heavy equipment and teach myself (I think it will come in handy in the long run and plus I really want to learn how to do it).  I have a tree crew which take down the dead trees and I cut them in 6 foot pieces.  

Whatever I am going to do is going to be slow but I could take a few days off from work to jump start the project.  

Attached is the picture of the bee hive in a geodesic dome. I plan on adding a few more over the next few years. The dome it to try keep the bears out.

Any thoughts? ok.... I know you have ideas and I appreciate the help!