Arthur Gagnon

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since Apr 17, 2017
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My wife, daughter, son and I live on a 5 acre former horse farm that we are slowly going to convert into a farm and apiary. My wife is a 4th generation beekeeper and an environmental educator. We are also taking over my mother’s green drink business. I work as an engineer and am a board member of CT Hackerspace. This is a public access community workshop with a machine shop, woodshop and electronics lab. They also offer classes.
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Recent posts by Arthur Gagnon

Hi Mark,

I'm looking forward to learning about coppice uses and techniques for use on our homestead.  My hope is to able to use this for on-site building material, feedstock for biochar and for a rocket mass heater.  I'm sure that there are so many more uses that I'm not yet aware of, until I read this book.

I've read of a maple harvesting technique that utilizes coppicing to extract sap from smaller trees than what one would usually tap.  It's supposed to allow for quicker sugarbush development.  I wonder if this technique has any merit.
2 years ago
This would be a much needed tool in our garden.
3 years ago
We have a 5-1/2 acre former horse farm where we are raising our 2 children.  The land is bordered by 2 streams and is adjacent to Nature Conservancy property.  The garden area has been getting larger every year as we learn what grows well for our location.  In the photo is the one who will assist with watering the garden.  She did a good job last year making sure that the cabbage was well watered.  We would like to try the seeds if they are good for Zone 6a.