Rachel Brown

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since Oct 27, 2022
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Are there any videos about the other equipment that I saw on the website? I was interested in how the other things work
1 year ago
I felt the need to share the story of my older baby. A couple years back I rescued a white pitbull who was living in pretty crappy circumstances. No matter how bad his life was in the past he's nothing but love. One day I was bringing home the groceries and in it was a couple of acorn squash and a head of cabbage. I guess he felt the need to have his own baby to snuggle so he stole an acorn squash to snuggle with on his blankie. After I took that to put it away he stole the head of cabbage to snuggle with. Eventually that got substituted with the stuffed hedgehog. I would have posted the picture but can't find it right now of him snuggling with his acorn squash.
2 years ago