Col Zimka

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since Mar 20, 2018
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Though using the plants as an electrical source is cool ... consider using the potential difference between the soil and the air - actually, an antenna waaaay up in the air. There's much on the Web about this. Please use caution as there's quite a bit of juice that can be extracted from that set-up. Then there's the storage issue. Quite a pain. As we move away from the AC-based system, and even the typical DC system, there's much to learn when considering pulsed DC and cold electricity. (Yes Virginia, cold electricity does indeed work and it's real) You must consider Nathan Stubblefield when discussing the early inventors of ground-based electricity. ( He was the Man, as it were. Be careful out there as there's many who will sell you a load of horse hoo-ey...and it will only run a few LEDs. History and doing the experimenting yourself is still the best - it does help to have someone to bounce a few ideas off of...

Cheers from here,

6 years ago
I actually met Dan Carlson back in the day (1989 or so). I flew out to meet him and to see his technology as it was used on a local farm. Yep, it's real. He had the world's largest (longest) purple passion plant...if memory serves. I bought one of his sound units and what was then a gallon of his super dark liquid gold stuff. (now it's a powder) I only used it for indoor plants - but they certainly loved the juice and vibes. The sound pulse opens the plant's pores (if you will) so that the super juice can get in. One of the secrets in the juice was gibberilic acid, among other acids like humeric (sp?) - now they use an organic version. I'd recommend not contacting his son as there was bad juju there and consider using one of the other sources available. The stuff does work - I like using the sound box better than the CDs. I'm trying to remember, but I know that Dan C "borrowed" his tech from another scientist of that era - I can't remember his name, but he worked with frequencies and plants and I don't think he was mentioned in Secrets of the Soil... I'm now looking into Ebner's work. Now that's super cool.


6 years ago