daniel petersen

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since Nov 15, 2016
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Recent posts by daniel petersen

thanks for the ideas!

i hadn't thought of mice using the wire as a fleece dispenser. good point! i don't know if it would be possible for us to put wire 2' in the ground as we have already built the platform frame; i would be worried about undermining the cinder blocks. (but we will dig down if it really is the only way.) what if we laid the wire flat on the round for 2-3' around the platform and covered it with a bit of soil? i find that works to keep rabbits out of gardens, but i don't know about mice. thoughts? or if we did attach the wire underneath the platform, is there something we could put underneath the wire to deter mice? would tyvek conceal the wire well enough that the mice wouldn't know the fleece was there? i don't have much experience with mice, i admit.

we do already have the fleece (and it was free). any ideas if 3-4" of raw fleece would be good enough if we could keep mice away from it?

as for the earthen floor with embedded rmh, i would LOVE to do that! it was our first choice, but we didn't think we could do it before the rains set in this fall. we have to be in the yurt before it gets too cold, so time is a major constraint for us. aaaand the landowner has said she prefers us to use a wooden platform, so no dice. but we are definitely going to do that the first chance we get. that said, we saw a youtube video of someone building a portable rmh with a wooden bench; we are hoping to do some research and maybe build one of those next year.

i will post some pics if i can figure out how. and thanks for the ideas!
7 years ago
i would agree on that you have a black swedish x runner, though i'm no expert. but what a gorgeous duck!
7 years ago
hello folks! i have maaaaany questions, but here's some background first: my partner and i are building a 16f yurt with 1/2" of felted wool insulation and a canvas cover. our climate is mild (southwest coast of british columbia) with dry summers and cool wet winters.

we're also building a wooden platform for our yurt using rough cut 2x4's for the joists and blocks. joists are 2" apart on centre and so are the blocks. (i think they're called blocks? they're short pieces that run between and perpendicular to the joists and turn the whole thing into a grid.) the platform rests on cinder blocks and is about 8" above the ground.

we are planning to staple mouse-proof wire to the underside of the platform in order to keep mice out and the insulation in. is stucco wire the best material for this? and is there another (cheaper) solution that would do the job?

for insulation, we have collected raw sheep fleece that we are planning to just stuff into the frame (supported by the wire mesh). any thoughts on whether this will actually keep us warm? if not, other suggestions? we will have a small wood stove, but we do want to have warm toes.

my other question is about vapour barrier. we will have tyvek over the yurt itself, but should we include it in the floor to prevent drafts? if so, does it get stapled on top of the joists but below the plywood?

wow, that's a lot of questions. whew! thanks for even reading this far, folks. suggestions will be appreciated!
7 years ago
hey devin, thanks for the reply. we'll add the cylinder stoves to the list and keep searching.
7 years ago
good day! we are building a 16ft yurt and are looking for a multi purpose heating and cooking wood burning stove. we have narrowed it down to these two models. do you have experience with both/either of these? is there something better we haven't been able to find? we're on the southern west coast of canada.



thank you!
7 years ago
hey folks! i am in the process of building a 16f yurt. any suggestions for what to heat and cook with? at one point, i was hoping to build a portable rmh for heating AND a rocket stove for cooking, but they'd each need their own chimneys and that is looking like overkill.

so. any suggestions for a single efficient, woodburning appliance? winter temperatures are fairly mild around here and the yurt will be insulated with 1 inch of felted wool. methinks an rmh would take too long to make my tea. perhaps a very small woodstove? do you have something you love that works for you? thank you!
7 years ago
thanks for all the awesome replies! the property we're looking at is 3.75 acres, probably .5/acre will actually be garden space. eventually having mostly forest garden orchard and perennials is the goal, with some annuals of course. so yes, irrigation. we have ducks and will have a pond and fertigation setup. it sounds like this won't be an issue as long as we do it right thank you!
8 years ago
hello! a 200' well with 1.5 gpm. negligible rain water collection. will that be suitable for a small farm? no animals. thanks!
8 years ago
thanks for all the replies! we'll be updating our progress as we move fwd
8 years ago
hello! we are looking at property on northern vancouver island. is there an equation to figure out how much clear space one would need to acheive full sun (+6 hrs)? thanks!!!
8 years ago