Based in Cornwall UK- so fire not a problem- rain is a major element here!
As we are in Cornwall we are within an area of Cornish hedges- these are stone walls some 4 foot high made with stones and soil and planted on the top, with trees such as holly and hawthorn, black thorn etc. Hence the starting point for all the brambles. Hacking blackberry bushes back is a big task each winter- so that we can access different areas. Interesting idea on distracting the rabbits with parsley- but it is not tough enough for round here, and would soon be grown over with grass and brambles, or ivy in shady areas. Slugs are rather partial to sunflowers and all squashes/gourds. We had six foot high sunflower plants felled by slugs one summer. Ideally we should be eating the rabbits..... in true permaculture fashion.