Hi Brian,
nice picture of your broken bee home. Hope they are still alive and protected. Essential oil will not entice the bees to move into your new hive. Early in the season (March probably) on a nice warm day, get in there and cut a piece of comb that has brood on it. Put that into your new hive. Then try to locate the queen - you will most likely need help for that. Move the queen on that piece of comb in your new box, set close to the trunk. If you cannot find the queen, move as many pieces of comb as you can out of the trunk. The rest of the bees (foragers included) will join the queen in the new box; that might take a while so be patient and leave the hive in place until the next day at least. See the video above to arrange your pieces of comb on the new frames temporarily. Get a experienced beekeeper to have a look after a few days to make sure things are going okay or post pix here. The most important is to get the queen in that new box.