Kristin Kolakowski

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since Apr 07, 2016
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Recent posts by Kristin Kolakowski

When we brood chicks, we always put about a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar in their water to help support their immune systems. I recently had chicks with pasty bottoms for the first time, and after doing some research I found the cause is often them being chilled. Are they staying bedded enough, dry and clean and fluffy? Did their source of heat accidently get taken away for a little while, i.e. maybe a child unplug it or power out? Maybe they were chilled in the transfer to your place? Don't know what else to tell you, hope something here helps
8 years ago
Hi everyone. I am hoping to plant an orchard. Problem is, I'm located in the lower part of Michigan, in an area that can get very wet, with a couple inches standing water during the spring months, usually. We have very flat land. Is there anything we can do to, be it hugelberms, pond, etc, to be able to grow fruit trees on our property? Any advice would be appreciated!
8 years ago