Living Woods Magazine -- 1st Issue
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Miguel Henriques

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since Jan 11, 2016
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Hey Don Goddard

First of all, nice to meet you and congratulations on the amazing property you have!

I couldn't avoid replying to your concern.

I understand you might have different plans for the area, but as someone suggested before, are you sure you don't want an extra lake/pond??

From my experience, it's always w-a-y easier to work with water then try moving it away. I saw you mentioned that this has happened before, but now it happened 2 times in a year. That, in my opinion, is a great sign for you! You said that you wanted to use it as a grow area(correct me if I'm wrong), if that is the case, what exactly you are planning to grow there? If answered above, I might have missed it, if that's the case, ignore my question :p

Water is a fundamental resource, and we all know that we are depleting it pretty seriously. So I can't suggest anything else, other than work with the water you were blessed with .

Keep us updated on your situation. Best of luck!
(ps: yes, my first post here!!!, even though I have been around for a while)
9 years ago