Russell Scott

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since Feb 28, 2016
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If someone believes that self defense will save there life against a gun, get away from the tv. Even most "stupid" criminals will not allow anyone within 5' of them, making self-defense tactics useless.As a trained weapon owner, I promise you that, in a life threatening situation, I can fire a lethal shot before someone invades my "personal" space.Now, as stated, I won't use deadly force for a tv, stereo or possession.....but if I am in fear of my life,or the life of a loved one, my mantra bought the ticket, you take the ride....and yes, I do have a concealed carry permit, and know the responsibility of such.
9 years ago Not that this is a daily occurrence in every city every day, but do you want your family to be the 1 in a million. With all the info available on the net, do some or will both give crime stats for almost any city......might be informative
9 years ago
Actually I do live in a violent town. Caused by drugs and poverty. If, in the unbelievable event that causes good people to turn bad , you might be surprised to witness the violence and inhumane acts people will commit. I have been witness to race riots in the very early 70's, that caused friend to turn against friend because of color.....Do you honestly believe that won't happen if it comes to people wanting or needing food? "But I will share my food" will be said. But tell your family, that because of your believing that people are good, that all of your food was taken by the bad men (and or women) that do not live by the same ideals. Now, not that I believe it will come to that, but I have seen what people will do in normal situations, I hope I never see what they are capable of in a bad one.
9 years ago
While using a gun, stick, or tire iron to defend one's self, spouse, and children might be a scary thought, there is one saying that IS true.wish I had been the author of it "When seconds count, the police are only minutes away". If being a victim is an acceptable option for you and yours, then that is your choice....but is it your children's choice? There are people out there that won't hesitate to take advantage of your passive attitude...Not that you are wrong, they are.....but that won't shield you from their violence....If you stand for nothing, you'll fall for anything!
9 years ago