A stock watering bowl for kangaroos was added to an old bathtub used to grow water lilies. Some rescue goldfish living in the old bathtub needed a cage for protection from butcherbirds. Kangaroos were dislodging the cage to drink from the bathtub hence the additional drinking point.
The goldfish are now gone, the cage has beenremoved but everybody prefers watering bowl now.
Magpies love bathing in the bowl even though they barely fit.
We also have two small dams on the property and four birdbaths in the gardens around the house. Any drum or bucket holding water has a stick inserted as an escape ramp for insects, birds, whatever falls in.
Our bird list count is up to 106 species, mostly spotted while sitting on our verandah looking at a birdbath.
Male Regent bowerbird
Even the local Lace Monitor lizards look for an easy drink:
We have no domestic animals so the local wildlife is thriving.