Wilf Brown

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since Jan 25, 2016
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Hi, thanks.

I have made the formula. I used the same portions of:
White Oak Bark
Dandelion Leaf
Parsley Leaf
Butchers broom
Uva Ursi Leaf
Hydrangea Root
Plantain Leaf
Burdock Root
Ginger Root

I placed them all in a mason jar together and filled the jar about 1 inch over the herbs with 190 proof Everclear. Is that going to be usable as a tincture or did i mess it up, LOL.

Again, thanks for your reply.
9 years ago
I am just starting out and actually ordered my herbs a few days ago.
I ordered several herbs to make a mixed tincture or formula.
Can i infuse them all in one jar with equal parts of each herb all at one time, or should i infuse each herb in a separate jar and then mix them as i put them in dropper bottles to make the formula.

Thanks very much.

P.S. I am using the same herbs as listed in a formula from Dr. Robert Morse`s Site. It is a Kidney Formula.
9 years ago