Jack Fluse

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since Feb 02, 2016
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R Scott wrote: [..]
One or more of these hanging near the wood stove or in a southern window (with shade to keep the sun off the food as much as possible) will work if your humidity isn't too high.

ebay link

Looks like a good idea, as the OP is in Europe, he should get something in the lines (iirc they a round likely smaller/round but much higher) from IKEA for a fraction of the price. We used them to dry walnuts, likely they are original for children to store toys or so?
8 years ago

David Livingston wrote:Thanks for sharing that I had not seen that type before . I was more thinking of this type as featured by Paul himself https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oVTcnCuX2Qc as I would not need an electric fan also maybe a bit smaller
I wonder about some sort of grid I could place in the oven also maybe the same size as the dryer So if the weather plays up I just take it inside and pop it in the oven

Sounds good have to check the video out later (and I thought on a first glance it would be some kind of dry toilette house)?

The fan at the tunneltrockner is powered with a small solar cell, which in addition regulates the fan speed automatically through the received sun regulating the drying process! It seems like a pretty cool idea in addition you can resize the construction to your needs, length + width should be easily adaptable. I will for sure construct one this year and see if it works for me?
8 years ago

Craig Dobbelyu wrote:I Love my Maremma. He's super smart, attentive and loving. He's great with kids and keeps us abreast about what's going on on the land. He practically talks. He tracks and will run down foxes and other predators. [..]

Seconded, we have two of them and they are absolutely awesome! They eat very little and yes they do quite often (especially at night take a round to check if everything is okay). They take their job (guarding) very serious, they will not look at their favorite food if there is some predator you won't even mention, as it can be 100 or so meters away.

Though they really need quite some space, they are always outside and do not care if it rains/snow whatever only heat they don't like that much and stay in the shadow. Even if it seems they sleep, they never really do and have always at least one ear checking the environment.

Indeed they very rarely fight, usually they drive predators away by barking (different tones depending on the predator) and as those are also not dump most of them return seldom as they know there are these lgds. Lately found a dead fox near but it was not clear why he died? Could have been just some poison? The dogs do not like hunter in addition, likely because of their dogs and drive them away.
8 years ago
Drying with help of electricity is usually pretty expensive, it needs a couple of hours and most machines do not fit very much.

If solar is impossible (there was is some very easy to construct solar dryer, looks like the English construction manual):


If you have a wood stove or alike I'd check if there is some possibility to set something up to use it for drying purposes.

We have in addition Stöckli Dörrex (Swiss Made) electric dryer, with 6 inlets (inox) so no plastics directly in contact with what you are drying, but then it takes pretty long to dry making things expensive.I'd like to built the above solar Tunnel-Dryer but had no time to do it so far.

8 years ago