Ruth Overend

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since Feb 03, 2016
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Recent posts by Ruth Overend

Thanks anyway, Julia and Kyrt.
9 years ago
Hi Permies Community,

I hope not to break the rules here!

I am posting to find out whether any British or Irish friends of yours might be interested in taking part in a television documentary series, which is filmed overseas. If appearing in the media doesn't appeal (and I respect that it isn't everyone's cup of tea), then maybe some members of the community will find watching the first series of this programme to be interesting and relevant to the themes discussed on the Permies forums. Perhaps some of you will relate to the stories that were featured and this may prompt some conversations about what we prioritise and what can make us happy in terms of lifestyle choices. The programmes are available in the UK via the Channel 4 website (and are likely to be on YouTube if people are interested in viewing them from abroad).
Here is a link to Series One of Channel 4's 'Escape to the Wild': [url=]

I am a Producer with the company that makes the programmes (Optomen Television). I felt incredibly lucky to film with the inspirational families who took part in the first series, and they enjoyed the process too.
Here is a photo we took with a lovely family from Bath (Southwest England), who now live in a home they built on a beautiful island in Tonga:

Now my team is looking for suitable stories and locations to feature in a Second Series of 'Escape to the Wild.'

We have a few criteria, which are pretty hard to meet!:
- British or Irish families or couples
- Who have chosen to leave a conventional lifestyle in the UK or Ireland
- And relocated to live overseas
- They will be in a remote place, or off the beaten track
- Living off-the-grid in terms of water and power (i.e. not hooked up to the mains, but likely using renewable technologies and being economical in their usage)
- Growing their own food (vegetables, fruits, herbs, medicinal plants)
- And possibly raising animals for meat, or hunting, or keeping hens for eggs, or a goat for milk
- In a self-built home or a simple and natural structure

Permaculture projects and sustainable living would be really interesting topics to cover, together with the hard work and joys associated with moving overseas for a more pared back way of life. The tone is insightful and aspirational.

If anyone can share any suggestions or would like to request our FAQs, I shall be more than happy to provide further information and answer any queries.

Thanks for being welcoming.
9 years ago