John Victor

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since Feb 08, 2016
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Hi all,

I don't know if this is the best place to put this so if it is not please send me in the right direction. I am 24 and I am currently working full time while pursing a degree in civil engineering part time. I make a comfortable living and I am paying for school as I go so I'll be debt free and have a degree in about 2 years. My problem is I want to move away from the city and I am stuck in a very weird catch 22.

How could I put this type of degree and experience to work in a more rural area? How do I find a place to work in this type of area in this kind of field? All my classmates want to build huge city structures I wold rather help design/build a single family house that is super sturdy and will last for as long as possible. I currently work in building restoration; managing projects to restore historic buildings or repairs portions of them. This type of work has very little overlap with the type of place I'd like to move to once I get myself established better.

An even more difficult problem is how to gain exposure to the homestead/permaculture lifestyle. I was born and raised in the city. I am in for quite the change and I don't know how to really go about starting. I grow vegetables and plants on my back patio but I'm growing out of 5 gallon buckets since I don't even have a backyard. I love camping and being out in the woods and would love to have a place I could go to garden and build my own homestead slowly over time but how can I even start when I know so little and I am so far away.

Long story short: I feel like I am stuck I want to learn and work on different skills but I have already gotten so far in a different subset of work/life.

8 years ago