Brianna LaRose

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since Feb 13, 2016
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Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
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Recent posts by Brianna LaRose

My husband set up an awesome portable fence system using a fencer powered by a car batter attached to an old farm truck, he then attached a solar panel to the truck to keep the battery charged and loaded a water tank in the back of the truck for portable watering. Worked great especially having a lot of land.
9 years ago
The breed you choose and the mineral content of the soil are contributing factors to how much the pigs will root in 5 days. Brassicas are a good mix with some basic legumes and you can get a brassica mix at your farm and feed store usually depending on your region. I would try them on a 1/2 acre plot and gauge when they need to be moved by when they start to root. Best to keep at least 2 weeks between rotation back to original land to help break parasite life cycles.
9 years ago
Our pigs don't root in winter the ground is definitely hard usually (not this year though they were turning over pasture in +16 on Christmas Eve)
Our pigs have a large amount of pasture but when the frost sets in and the snow gets deep and packs they stay closer to their huts live on forage stored squash and grain. But they do quite well but lots of bedding is key.
9 years ago
I also have had ducks pasture with the pigs with no issue. Pasture space is key and a laying area for the birds that the pigs can't get to. You don't want to set the precedent that the ducks are food.
My ducks eat whatever supplement grains are left over from the pig troughs and think the pig holes are ponds to swim in. Consequently any white ducks are white on top and mud coloured on the bottom but very happy.

I have also had some stubborn free range Muscovy that insisted living in the winter grow pen where they can come in and out of the barn as they please with the growers 80 - 250 pounders and they did fine and didn't get eaten.

9 years ago
And did I see on another post you are in Nova Scotia? If so where are you buying the sow from?
9 years ago
Looks like a young berk sow. There is no way we can accurately judge a pig from a picture especially when there's only one.
Questions you need to ask ...

Why is she for sale?
How many litters has she had?
How many piglets does she wean per litter?
How many teats and how many of those are functional?
Is she careful with the piglets and what are her nesting and farrowing instincts like?
How well does she maintain weight while raising a litter?
Her current condition is a very small piece of the bigger picture IMO

You can google sow condition charts but she looks ok from what I can see in the picture but there is very little reference.
9 years ago
Are you in Ontario Canada?
9 years ago