nikki walsh

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since Feb 15, 2016
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Not begging, not looking for 'something for nothing' This would be a mutually beneficial situation. I have good established equestrian business, its not a huge money maker but it does pay for itself, pay bills and a little left over. Its about 30% rescue horses and the rest is training and sales. (sales pay for rescues) Its made enough to do several surgeries on horses in need and bail out a few horses from the kill pens. We have been running around 6 years and have a good reputation. So as you can see, its a passion not a job. I need a partner who shares this. I invested all my funds and labor into a property and now find I have to relocate. I am hardworking and know my business. I can fix/repair/renovate a property. Ideally I need someone who has an empty farm or small holding, or has a second house on an existing farm. What can I offer in return? The upkeep and improvement of a property, a small income, help with any existing farming already in place. Open to any Location. Please don't be mean, I know its a long shot so just throwing it out there, you never know!
8 years ago