Brian Carpenter

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since Feb 22, 2016
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Recent posts by Brian Carpenter

Nepal Needs, Cinva Rams, Due to the earthquake they had,

So if you want to help by sharing the following link, that would help us design and build Rams for you!

This is a person with a large company, In Nepal talking about the need for Bricks
9 years ago
I have a WaterJet! (Well my MakerSpace/HakerSpace Does) ... I joined whats called a MakerSpace, in my local area and we have a WaterJet Up and Running!

A water jet is a very versatile machine capable of being used for everything from prototyping to full production runs of hundreds of parts. A part can go from design to finished part in less than an hour and can be made from almost any type of material from foam to steel, and thicknesses ranging from tinfoil to over 8 inches thick. One key feature of water jet cutting is the lack of a heat affected zone around the cut. Cut parts stay cool, and require very little cleanup.

So if you Need Something Cut, I can do it, (Provided a Correct Donation for Time on the Waterjet) to the Group "The DIY price will be on the order of $55 per hour, just enough to cover the costs to keep the machine running, and for maintenance"

Do you need WaterJet Cutting?
My E-mail is

See Me and It Here!

I would really Like to Build Cinva - Rams For people in 3rd world .. ETC
9 years ago
I attend a MakerSpace / Hackerspace, And we just got a WaterJet Up and Running,

I am looking to Build Cinva RAM's For 3rd world People, and Raise Money For it.

Do you need WaterJet Cutting?
My E-mail is

This is a Pic of Me and the WaterJet

9 years ago