One of my Orchid leaves tip is turning a brownish/black color. Is this fungus and if so do I just cut the affected area and put cinnamon on it to seal or is there other remedies? Please see below for a few pictures. Other than that the actual flowers look great.
I've had my braided ponytail lucky bamboo plant in my office for about 3 weeks now and it seems the tips of the leaves are browning or becoming dried up. I water it once a week with distilled water and every other week i water it with plant food distilled water mixture.
Does the plant look normal or could the drying up of the tips be from the fertilizer or room temp? The building keeps the heat on and yesterday the temp outside was 73 and in my office was 81. Other days its around 70.
Steve Oh wrote:if this is typical green floral foam (often called "Oasis", after a brand name), it's there to hold the plants in place and acts like a sponge to absorb and release water. It isn't required, but it isn't harmful.
That's the thing, it's not the green typical foam. Its just regular white Styrofoam
Yes it's lucky bamboo.,my initial thought is the foam is there to hold it up because it's 4 bamboo stalls braided together. I wonder if I remove the foam if it will be able to stand straight in just pebbles. I guess the foam is there for a reason. Hopefully it won't affect the growth of my lucky bamboo
I received my bamboo plant in a ceramic pot. The pot is filled with pebbels/rocks, but underneath that I noticed its sitting in foam. Should I remove the plant and clean out the ceramic pot and remove the foam or is the foam needed? Also, if I do remove the foam I am assuming the pebbles will sit lower than when I got the plant because they are sitting on the foam. Would I need to add more pebbles after?