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Anthony DiDonato

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since Mar 04, 2016
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Recent posts by Anthony DiDonato

Does anyone have a few extra seeds or a cutting or two if this plant to share or sell? It sounds like it might be worth trying. As cheese is a major food group to me
4 years ago
Hello does anyone have excess tea seeds to sell or share lookin to plant in east central alabama.
4 years ago
Hello we on 5 acres over in Seale Alabama. would love talk to some.
4 years ago
Dry laying could work but for long lasting and strength I would recommend mortaring the walls or use slip forms for the walls with mortar and stone mother earth news and countryside and small stock journal has had some articles on that style of building. The forms are reusable and can be used and built for arches as most arches require a form to make to support while curing. I would recommend a concrete or shot crete cap over the outside of the arches with some wire mesh to reinforce to and it put most of the drainage to the sides just back fill lightly until you got a couple feet of coverage your footings are based on wall thickness. Remember when unsure of something thicker is better for good reason. Better over engineered than suffering a failure form not being thick enough for the task. Hope your project goes well would like see some photos of the project.
5 years ago
You just want to have it trimmed to even it up the largest i have ever seen were over 6'  in diameter at chest high they can live a very long time in the right location.
5 years ago
Sounds like You already have it planned out or at least a very good idea of what you really want all I can suggest is that you have the ceiling reinforced enough to hold the weight you will be putting on it. Have fun it will be a interesting project. please keep us posted on how it goes.
6 years ago
Sounds like a interesting project. But the real question is which way do you want to do your construction do you want to do poured, block, brick, or stone walls or a hybrid system. How deep is it going to be back filled and covered And what type of water proofing do you want to use? And what constructions methods are you familiar with using. Poured reinforced  Concrete would be your strongest way to go. But a cinder block construction would be easies and could be built into the arches and the forms attached to it and the forms for the ceiling and roof are all in one pour be it concrete or a shot Crete. There are various places to get the local specs you may need to follow but planning and zoning can give you the local basics on there online site if they have one. As for a  floor concrete would be best and easy to clean as needed just remember to put in the floor drain.  
6 years ago
You might want to try they have a very good selection.
6 years ago
Just give them some protection with a cold frame at the start and tail end of the season and some milk jugs with warm water at night or in a larger cold frame a water barrel. I grew tomatoes in Alaska they actually do best with a slightly cooler summer than the deep south where they burn from the heat and they need some shade to produce during the mid day heat and sun. There are more than a few ways that you can use to push the zone in the spring and the fall when you need to help them a bit. you just need to step a bit out of the normal way of doing some thing to adjust and improve to local conditions for the plants.
6 years ago
You had some one asking about pushing the zone to cooler claimant plants in the south. You might want see some of Stephens work at Terroir seeds what works for garden crops should help some with trees or could be used to help in some ways
6 years ago