Claude Chiasson

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since Mar 05, 2016
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Wood Chips in Vegetable Production
Brian Caldwell
A major problem in vegetable production is maintaining high soil quality in the face of
typical practices that work against it. Vegetable growing involves intensive tillage,
cultivation, exposure of almost
bare soil to the sun and rain for long periods, and heavy
traffic from people and equipment. All of these tend to destroy soil organic matter and
soil structure while increasing soil compaction. This reduces yield over the long run
because it creates a poor environment for root growth and function; also the soil
biological community is adversely affected. Soils with poor quality cannot retain
sufficient nutrients and moisture.We can address this problem in several well
known ways. These include. Adding compost, manure , mulches, and other organic residues
Reducing the intensity and frequency of tillage
Growing cover crops, especially legume sods
Restricting wheel and human traffic to specific areas of the field, such as grass
aisles or drive lanes. In addition to these common methods, it appears that there is another
adding wood chips to the soil. From 1951 to1965, a remarkable experiment was carried out on a Soil
Conservation Service research farm in Marcellus, NY. The project is written up in a 1971
Cornell bulletin called, “Soil Management for Vegetable Production on Honeoye
Soil with Special Reference to the Use of Hardwood Chips” by G. R. Free. This 15
year study used a 5 year vegetable rotation of sweet corn, beans, tomatoes, cabbage, and peas.
It compared 14 different treatments, including several in which 10 tons per acre moist
weight (7 tons dry weight) of wood chips were added each year. Other treatments looked
at using overwintered ryegrass or bromegrass cover crops, and more extensive rotations
in which legume sod hay crops were substituted for the beans and tomatoes. The hay
crops were harvested and removed, not simply plowed under. Crops were fertilized with
chemical fertilizers and (as seems likely) probably sprayed for pests and weeds. Crops
were also cultivated for weed control.
Some results were apparent within a few years and continued for the duration of the
project. Yields of most crops were improved with the addition of wood chips and best
when the chips were topdressed on the soil surface after the crops were planted instead of
being plowed under. Over the years, soil organic matter (SOM) and nitrogen increased in
the chip amended plots, while they dropped in the chipless plots without cover crops.
Including yearly grass cover crops allowed SOM and soil nitrogen to stay at about an
even level over the 15 years
8 years ago
I get wood chips delivered free to my drive way from a tree timing company. I believe there is no mulch better than wood chips.
This is a site that pretty well explains why. -
I started using wood chips last year as a test run and was impressed and sold on the idea. I also saw the back
to eden video and realize that it really works.
I can't till the wood chips in because I don't have a tiller. But it is recommended to just leave them on top. Wood chips
insulate better that way and there is no weeds either.
8 years ago
Here is something I read on line. Might be worth looking into.
Acute Back Pain

And comfrey is effective in the treatment of acute upper and lower back pain. This is pain that was not due to some identifiable problem such as disc or nerve damage. Usually, but not always, acute back pain lasts for no longer than a few weeks or months and can be caused by injury or strain to a muscle or ligament. To test comfrey's effectiveness in treating back pain 120 people aged between 18 and 60 were given ointment, either a placebo or with comfrey root extract. They rubbed it in 3 times a day for 4 or 5 days. Those on the placebo had an average pain reduction of 37.8% between the beginning and end of the treatment period. This is not unusual in cases of acute pain because it is often short lived and gets better on its own. But those using the comfrey ointment saw an average pain reduction of 95.2%.(5) Now, even though comfrey root was tested in those who were suffering from acute back pain I imagine that even those with chronic back pain could find some relief from the pain caused by inflammation.
8 years ago
5000 sq. ft. garden. I plan to make it on top of an old garden site with very rich soil. Hasn't been used for 10 years.
I will add 5 in. of well rotted manure.
Then top it off with 5 in. of wood chips and let it sit 2 years.
Then I will start planting. The rows will be 4 feet apart giving me 25 rows.
I will start by planting Russian comfrey every 8 feet giving me 12 x 50 foot rows This comfrey will remain permanently to use as fertilizer
to cover the ground between each row. It can be cut down easily every 3 weeks or so.
I will then proceed to plant vegetables in the remaining 13 rows.
I presume I will have to reapply wood chips every 2 or 3 years but the comfrey will stay forever.
I may add crab meal every year too since there is a plant that sells it at a very low cost
(10 dollars for a 40 lb bag) That way I will get all the trace minerals.
Feel free to make any comments. Everything I've learn't is from other people.
8 years ago