dejan dejanovic

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since Mar 08, 2016
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Recent posts by dejan dejanovic

How long did you wait? As, clay need more weeks to dry!
8 years ago
Hi Alex,
simple PVC vinyl strip. Maybe stronger version of strip, and fix with staples.
And, cut few holes on each strip, to keep draft in the house.
8 years ago
The concept of preparing wooden walls with straw in factory looks great and compact.  I like it.
But, I was just disappoint, as from their site I saw picture of same house, which internal walls are from bricks. I was expecting same concept for internals. And, also in the end I expected clay plaster.
8 years ago
You do not have to be worry if house foundation, and roof are good. As, it is the same issue as for all type of houses >> It has to be done correctly and accurately!
I'm quite sure clay is also included, right? Clay must hold water from breaking through walls.
Inefficiency? Oposite. It is one of best material for healty living in the house.
Drafty? The point of straw, and clay is actual to perform light drafty through house. The house air will be all the time fresh, and it also preventing condesations. For example when cooking.
I was once in straw clay house, when housewife has prepair fishes on oil. The cooking oil smell has totally gone in 2-3h, thanks to clay vapor permeability.

Nothing is easy to repair, but also not scarry. You need time, and knowledge. If lacking knowledge, then a lot of time for constantly learning. If not knowledge, and time, then just money for hiring company.

Is house frame wooden, stone, bricks?
Can you post any pictures?

Suggestion: first to check foundation, and roof!
8 years ago
Hi members,
first, sorry for laaaate reply. I have contact Michael from company, which have experience, and person has very fast, and nicely answer to my questions about "backyard wet clay".
Here are two replies.

Hello Dejan-

There's no secret; I'm happy to share what I know.

I and many other natural builders in North America do not add any sand to our base coats of earthen plaster, especially when applying it over straw bale, straw-clay, and other low-density walls. (But also more generally than that; I use a sandless straw-clay plaster for daub on wattle walls and in many other applications.) To avoid excessive cracking you have to add A LOT of chopped straw to your plaster; at least as much volume of chopped straw as clay slip. The best length for the chopped straw is a range between 1 and 4 inches. The resulting mix is very sticky, ensuring a good bond with the substrate; it also dries incredibly strong and tough and provides a lot of strength to the wall. I have demolished a straw bale wall in which the bales were held together by nothing other than this straw-clay plaster (no mesh or pins of any sort), about an inch to an inch and a half thick. I was incredibly impressed at how strong the wall and how hard it was to separate the bales from each other.

You can also make earthen plaster by adding sand and less straw; many people do it that way also. You might try both styles and see which you like best. In my opinion the sandless straw-clay plaster is a bit harder to mix but the results are better. There are some tricks to the application, which is a bit different than a sandy plaster. You have to really push  a thin coating of the plaster (called a "discovery coat" or smear coat) onto the bales with your hands - trowels don't work. Then you can immediately build the plaster out as thick as you need to protect the bales and straighten your wall. With a stiff straw-clay mix you can easily build out 3 or 4 inches thick in a single application without sagging or much cracking. You want to do this only in dry weather to avoid mold growth. I float the surface with a wooden float and will often leave that as an exterior finish. On interiors I come back later with a finish coat of sand-rich plaster.

good luck!

Hello Dejan-

The clay does not have to be dry. In fact, I nearly always soak the clay before using it. Soaking makes it stickier and makes the mixing easier. The only reason to sift clay for a base coat is if it has a lot of rocks in it. Rocks that are smaller than the thickness of the plaster you plan to apply are not a problem, unless there are so many of them that they interfere with mixing or application.

If I have access to one, I use a mortar mixer. A cement mixer does not work with a high-fiber mix; the straw just rolls around in a ball and doesn't get thoroughly combined with the clay. A mortar mixer has a paddle that moves independently of the drum, and allows you to mix a very high-straw mixture. With a mortar mixer, add the clay and water to the mixer first and let them mix until you get smooth mud the consistency of pancake batter or a smoothie.

If I don't have access to a mortar mixer, I use an electric drill with a mixing paddle to combine clay and water to the same consistency described above. Then mix in the straw - at least as much chopped straw as clay slip by volume. You can mix this by hand in a wheelbarrow or by foot on a tarp. One relatively easy way to do it is to place alternating layers of clay slip and chopped straw in a wheelbarrow, let it sit for 15 minutes, and then pull material from the bottom of the wheelbarrow. If you get the proportions right, it should almost mix itself.

good luck!


8 years ago

Tobias Ber wrote:this site says: first coat of plaster without sand. just clay and straw

what about that? they use sand for the finishing coat of plaster.

i was always thinking: clay + SAND + fibre ... but we re talking about plaster here, not about structural cob for walls n stuff. any thoughts/experiences?

Now, I'm also confused. My knowledge tells me that sand is preventing cracks. Someone wrotes that first coat of plaster should actual have cracs. As next fine plaster should filled them, and they would have better adhesion.
I know we need to wait for each coat to dry first. But, I'm thinking what if in nearest future would first coat cracked again. I'm quite sure crack will have same impact on fine plaster, and crack will be visible from outsite...
8 years ago

Tobias Ber wrote:I read that portland and lime might hurt the straw, like degrading it through the alkalicity. Is that true?

dejan, did you do a test batch on a strawbale? Just dig out your local clay. Soak it. Knead/tread it until there are no lumps left. With adding water to desired consistency. and then just plaster a straw bale. you might do a few batches, where you mix your clay with sand. Write down the ratio, let it dry (maybe inside to speed things up) and test it.

I have never hear about lime not recommend for straw. Just opposite, it is defending from organisms.
Will do test within next 2-3 weeks, and I will post results for all of you...
8 years ago

Terry Ruth wrote:If you get a hold of some Kaoline it will add luster, shine (gloss or semi), workability to the finish but has little to no binder. Add some pumice, scoria, lava, rock aggregates, straw, hemp, two tones, looks nice to some. Remember just because a test seems to be holding does not mean it will last. Add some heat and moisture cycles depending how harsh the local is. If you get high humidity or wind driven rains on exteriors take a hose with the right nozzle to it. When it comes to adhesion try and get the highest scratch/brown as possible. The two properties to test for is tension and shear. I try and scrape the test mix off the wall with a drywall knife @ 45 degree. If on lathe it's more tension or a pulling or falling off from weight and vapor pressures.

BTW: If the soil is not binding well it can be stabilized with lime (type S, or NHL 3.5 or 5), ashes like fly as pozzalans, portland cement. If you look on American Clays website they have some good trowling techniques, primers, and sealers.

But yes there are so many variables at play here there is no cookie cutter technique for the most part.

80% clay is too high BTW: 10-30% binder should do it or it gets too expansive depending on type. A jar test gives an idea on clay content, a lab soil sieve size, etc, test is better.

Nice tips, will play around with your suggestions on straw bale. w
My area, weather over year contains everything: all 4 sessions, summer 50 degree on the sun, winter can be also -20, also period of strong dry wind.
8 years ago

Tobias Ber wrote:it depends on your local clay. you might mave to add sand and maybe chopped straw to the mix. it should cling very well to strawbale, when you massage it in.

you need to check if there are stones in your clay. people would let lumps of clay soak over night in water. strain it. add sand and straw. so there s no need to work with dry stuff. but dry stuff will be easier to mix in a cement-mixer like normal plaster.

finishes might be possible. you need to experiment. like making many, many different test batches of 1-2 sqft. little cracks can be filled in with another application of the same stuff. the look of the surface will depend on the size of your sand-grains and technique.

did you check for the cob builders handbook? it s for free download here: . in the preface of that book, they state that it s ok to share for non-commercial reasons, so i think it s ok.

i ll attach a photo of my experiment with dug-up clay, water, sand and short straw (around 1cm). the wall-surface on it is not perfect, it still has residues of acrylic paint on it. the cob mixture might have too much sand. but it seems to work well so far. i smeared it on the wall and flattened it with a small, wet trowel in circular motions. so the surface will look more rough than smoot/polished

Great. I like idea for leaving clay in water over night. Like presentation from YouTube...

Yeap, in any case I will work with concrete mixer + plastering machine.
Thanks for PDF. Will read it definitely...
8 years ago

Roberto pokachinni wrote:I have a friend who did his whole two story straw bale house with common grey clay/silt/soil from his yard (I think he said his soil was 80% clay where he was digging it). I helped do some mudding, and it was very effective mushing into the bales.

So, you did not dry it? When you were dig out clay, you have create mixture right away?
What time/year was when house was done? Asking how plaster is behaving?

Can you please ask your friend about, or if you even might know, about plaster mixture, like what % of materials?
8 years ago