Anna Whalley

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since Mar 08, 2016
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Recent posts by Anna Whalley

No worries, we were planning on a big window from the get go. We aren't too worried about the size window, the truck we have isn't exactly running at the moment and its already on the land we will be living on till next winter, so we figure if we ever do take it on the road and the window breaks then we'll just replace it. Or we can replace the glass with tempered glass. Plus the window only cost us $40 so it wouldn't be a crazy loss. Thanks again!
8 years ago
Thanks for the input!
Kyle and I have gone with normal windows we bought for a steal at a salvage place. We got 2 windows that will fit between the existing studs. And one 4 foot window that we will cut two studs out and build a frame for. We aren't too worried about having normal glass for windows since we could get Plexiglas and mount it over the windows when ever we drive the truck around. Hopefully that'll work. Anyone tried anything like that before?
8 years ago
Thank you for your replies! WE decided after reading your inputs, to go with a 12v fridge that runs on dc or ac. I don't know why I was thinking we needed it to be gas/electric. So that saves us over 300 dollars. and we've been doing a lot of research on solar and have realized we could easily run a fridge off it since we don't use electricity for much else (no tv, no a/c, no other appliances, etc). Thanks again.
8 years ago
So we've been trying to go as cheap as possible and I happened to come across washing machine pans and found that they are the perfect size for a shower pan with corrugated steel walls. And they are only $20. They are made of PVC and are supposed to be durable. We were planning on putting a wood frame around it and securing it to the floor with caulk or something. Any ideas? anyone tried that?
8 years ago
Thanks for the reply. I feel I would be able to go fridge free but we could squeeze one in. Since we are building a home on wheels, and we'll have solar power, we want to use as little as possible so we would get a norcold gas/electric fridge which can be over $500. I'm worried the normal dorm fridges waste too much electricity. Thanks again.

-Anna and Kyle
8 years ago
We are currently building a tiny house in a box truck and have decided we need a shower and toilet after all, so we are sacrificing space for a storage and possible cabinet space for a fridge. We also think we can make a underground fridge out of a cooler(since we'll be living on a farm all season). Yet the prospect of have to go outside to get food seems like it might be a pain. Plus a fridge is at minimum 500 dollars unless we a get one of craigslist. Any thoughts on having a fridge at all or alternative fridges?
8 years ago
Thanks for you suggestions. We are putting windows in the wall we have to build where the roll door was. But we are thinking now it would just be easy to find small windows for the other walls, only problem is they have to be smaller than 21.5 inches. The more I look at the studs the more I think we could frame out a big window but I have a feeling we won't want to because it's too risky and we only have a month to finish the entire tiny house. thanks again.

-Anna and kyle
8 years ago
Hi, My boyfriend Kyle and I are building a house inside a 16ft box truck and we are going back and forth on whether or not put in windows that fit in between the metal studs that hold the box up or to cut into them and put in the big windows we've always wanted. I was thinking we could frame it as best we could then cut away each stud without cutting the exterior of the box and place in the remaining frame and then cut out the hole from the exterior aluminum. However the only problem is that the studs and bows are the only thing holding the box in a box truck together and I've done some searching about how you shouldn't mess with the bows on the roof because it will jeopardize the integrity of the box yet I haven't found anything about the studs (or struts), or anything about anyone having to put windows in them.

Anyone have any advice? or perhaps a better explanation on my part.


-Anna and Kyle
8 years ago