Tim Hawk

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since Mar 15, 2016
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I have been reading and studying the subject of Mangalitsa pigs for a couple years, and finally found a gilt and a barrow to get us started. We are from NE Ohio, and intend to take advantage of their foraging to assist with our organic orchard insect problems by keeping the soil rooted up around the trunks.

We know from what we've read to avoid corn to preserve the beautiful white lard they are known for and that they love all kinds of forest nuts they find as their favorite food source. Where in the heck, or what in the heck can I find that will work for this portion of their diet requirements.

Anybody have experience with these pigs? I've read potatoes are good for pigs, but how about Mangalitsa lard pigs.

Would love to hear any ideas of where I can locate commercially acorns or other nuts such as pecans or walnuts. We will have lots of walnuts ourselves come fall... but we don't have any reserved.

How about eggs and cheese and other products unrelated. We always have more eggs than we can give away and our eye are usually bigger than our stomachs when we purchase cheese.

Sunflowers? Barley?Whole Wheat?

Thanks in advance for your thoughts or knowledge.
9 years ago