lots of good advice in this forum. I find you can do a lot online with web soil survey and county GIS for elevation data to see the landforms and soil types. First step for me is to create a base map and do a design. Here's a good fact sheet on making base maps:
https://edis.ifas.ufl.edu/ep427 Next, I write down all of my needs and things I might potentially want even if I can't build them right away. I try to figure out a size for each component then make paper cutouts of each component that are to scale. I then place the cutouts on the base map and move things around until I maximize integration. Think about things for a long time and move them on paper first as it's much easier than moving it once it's built.
Limit the amount of road you have to build and try to enter the property towards the middle so you have access to as much land as possible from a single point (don't back yourself into a corner). Place the house and garden in a good microclimate and face the house south. Keep all roads and paths on the ridges if possible. If not, slope them at a shallow angle across the landscape (0.25%) and incorporate diversion channels above or below to harvest rainwater.
Once the building site and main entrance/road is located try to find the highest point on the landscape to store rainwater and use the building and diversions above or below the roads to harvest water into the storage. From this point determine how water will flow through the property and make the path long with storage throughout. Start thinking about how animals will connect with the landscape and building site.
Next, to flush out the details I use Christopher Alexander's "A Pattern Language." I start with pattern number 95 "Building Complex" and work through them until I have the appropriate detail needed for all the design components. Finally, the design is drawn onto the base map and the project is divided into small chunks. Start with the roads, building and earthworks and finish with plants and animals.