Scot Rickman

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since Apr 18, 2016
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Plant City, Florida
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Recent posts by Scot Rickman

with the hog farm and rabbits and eggs we are pretty busy for that , I really just want to kill them. If you stop by I will give all the plants you can dig and the seed fruits too. They seem to be very hardy. If you cut them off they come right back! Thanks for the idea, it's quite interesting and food for thought!
8 years ago
They may eat the fruit, trouble is that's another way they spread, in the manure. These things have thorns all over that will go right through a leather glove, I rate them on the same level as fire ants, a gift from Hades!! Also goats require fencing we don't have. I'd hate to see the goats migrate to the strawberry/blueberry fields in back of us. Thanks for the idea though!
8 years ago
If you live in central Florida you know what this spiny weed with the little watermelon colored fruits are. They came from south america. If one neighbor lets them flourish they spread like wildfire. Digging them out by the roots would be a full time job on ten acres. What can be done to control them.? There is a bug that eats the leaves and a bug that lives in and consumes the fruit but I do not know where to get them. I hate herbicides but that may be the only way. Any suggestions?
8 years ago
We have been raising pigs for a few years now and have about 9 producing sows and sell a lot of piglets but sometimes we get pigs that don't sell and will have sows that are worn out and need to be butchered.
I need a sausage grinder. I just want ground sausage, course or fine. I am not going to make sausage links, just loose sausage that get blended with spices for patties and meatloaf. I can foresee grinding a lot of sausage at once maybe 400 pounds per year. In other words we need a semi-commercial grinder that has a motor and can take some hard use.
Does anyone have any suggestions? The internet has Many to choose from but I don't know where to start. Does anyone have suggestions?
8 years ago
Thanks! I remember when I was a kid my mom simply used SHAKE-N-BAKE and the rabbits were great! I will try your method. Not sure how the Flemish Giants would take the heat here in central Florida. I see them at the State fair but not too many.
8 years ago
I raise New Zealand whites in Florida in cages and I feed a good grade of pellet from a local feed mill. The rabbits are healthy and everything is fine except that I find the back meat to be very dry and pretty much useless. I have tried every cooking method I can think of and the front and back legs are excellent if they are not overcooked and the flanks below the ribs are good but the rest of the rabbit is hard and dry, I usually feed them to the dog and with the cost of feed it does not seem worth it.
Is there a better breed for eating? is it the pellets? The rabbits have plenty of fat on them when I butcher. Also, even the legs seem to have little real flavor unless I add lots of BBQ sauce. What am I doing wrong?
8 years ago