Nick Ritar

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since Aug 08, 2009
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Meliodora, Hepburn, Victoria, Australia
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Recent posts by Nick Ritar

I built an easy to use interactive soil texture calculator if anyone is interested.
2 years ago

Hi All,

Just wanted to give you a heads up that Kirsten Bradley co-founder of Milkwood permaculture and previous long time resident of Melliodora (David Holmgren's 30+ year-old permaculture property in Victoria, Australia), is doing a free live Q&A on Facebook in about one hour from now. Tune in and ask your questions here.

We have also made a free video outlining the basics available here

What is your best seed saving tip?

Peace, peas and parsnips
4 years ago
Vale Bill.

Local media in Australia has been covering Bill's passing"

The ABC (The Australian Broadcasting Corporation our main public broadcaster) had this article the day after he passed. and

It was also covered on Radio National with this interview with David Holmgren.

8 years ago
I feel for you guys... we used to deal with all the time at Milkwood Farm... we tried lots of different policies and none of them really worked... just like in the US of A drinking happens alot in Australia.

To put us into context we our farm had an average population of about 12, but with regualr coruses hosting up to 40 extras for up to 2 weeks at a time. Courses were generally alcohol free, but we didn't "CSI" empty bottles if we found them.

We tried banning it, but the cost was just too high.... a few people sharing a drink in the evening can be a great social experience. We also had a weeknights ban (to try and reduce instances of alcoholism) but I felt like a school teache enforcing that..

Eventually we just let it be known to the crew that intoxication was unacceptable and dealt with it on a case by case basis... that worked best... but was still hard work.
9 years ago
One of the best Permaculture Design Courses you will ever do. I've seen dozens of people teach PDCs... most of the big names included, but after doing this course I was so impressed by Dave Jacke's design process that I incorporated it as the central design process I teach in my PDCs.

Dave is the most considered and student focussed teachers in the business and understands more about perennial plant systems than anyone I have ever met. If your permaculture is focussed on creating perennial poly-culture plant systems then Dave is your teacher.
9 years ago
Excellent.. thanks Eric... I hadn't seen that collection before... I'l add a link to it
9 years ago
I keep getting asked what the best tools are to do this.. so i wrote a blog post. I think I got everything, but I'd appreciate it if you could point out any I missed.

9 years ago
I keep getting asked this question, so I decided to do a blog post on the subject and list all the tools, both online and off that can help people map the sun on their site. Please let me know if I've missed anything.

9 years ago
I bought it second hand locally.. it was a simple wood fired water heater where the fire was built in the centre of the jacket.

It's basically just a box in a box. the inner box has the fire in it the space between the two boxes is full of water.
13 years ago
Just letting you know the link for the rocket stove article on our blog changed
13 years ago