Richard Herndon

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since Oct 30, 2016
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For a really nice dishcloth that you will use until it just wears out, I have to tell you to learn to knit or crochet or weave so that you can make your own. Use cotton, linen or hemp yarn. I knit and crochet and have made both types and they are lasting quite well. I have thrown my first crocheted one away because I just wore the thing out. Someone else mentioned rinsing your dishcloth out well and then putting it in the microwave for 3 minutes; this should work pretty well in-between washings and just let it air-dry overnight. Hope this helps. Richard in Charlotte, North Carolina.
8 years ago
Wow, wish I were a younger man, I would jump at this chance to get in on an acre of land! But, I am a 60-year old heart patient now and I do believe that my boot-days are long gone. Maybe in another lifetime.
8 years ago