Donald Adams

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since Aug 07, 2019
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My steel wok fits inside the cook hole over the firebox perfectly! Right over the fire lets me get a nice hot temperature to do my stir frying. Sometimes the cover over the firebox has expanded so much with the heat I can’t pull it out.

I also put my kettle of water on the far end of the cookstove at night to keep water warm, then move it over the firebox in the AM to heat it for my coffee. Heats quicker that way.

Comments about overheating the house to cook in the oven are spot on. When weather isn’t so cold, I open outside doors when I cook in the oven. Love cooking on my kitchen queen!
1 month ago
“the root cellar that came with my place in tn is extremely humid at certain times of year and is full of mold and spider webs, I think it needs to be deeper in ground with water proof floor, but I'm no expert. only good aspect is it does not freeze in there even when 20 degrees outside.“

I’m in southern Tennessee and the humidity problem is what I’m worried about. Summer would fill my root cellar with mold and mildew. Winter temps might get down to 10F. Anyone else have experience with root cellar in the southern US? Can’t decide if I want to build one or not!
2 years ago