Oyvind Bremnes

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since May 04, 2016
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Hi - thank you for the quick reply!
Great news that my idea is worth looking more into - the land was bought by a member of my family in the 19-sixties, but all development stopped. So it is about time we put the area to good use
Our goal is to grow as natural as possible, but I will have to look into the quality of the water, since the surrounding farms might be very not-naturally driven, from what I could tell when I went there in February to take a look

Exciting to see what this project might lead to!

8 years ago
Hello Konstantinos Karoubas,

I am a new member here, found this thread searching on Google. I am considering trying to grow almond trees (sweet) in Greece - more preciscely close to Skála, Lakonia, southern part of Peloponnese.
My family owns about an acre of land there, with the possibility of buying about 40 acres more. Currently no trees on the land, and the closest farms are all growing oranges.
I am trying to research using internet if this is / could be a good environment and climate for almond trees, and if so - where to find trees to buy in Greece. If we are to try this I want to start the coming october/november by planting aprox 10 trees - different types of sweet almonds to see what kind would prosper there.

Any thoughts and helpful pointers would be very much appreciated!

With regards,
Oyvind Bremnes, Norway

8 years ago