Freya Bennett

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since May 31, 2016
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Recent posts by Freya Bennett

Prickly pear juice takes some getting used to, but now I sort of like it. I still have to sweeten it with some honey though.
8 years ago
Well, the only natural solution in this case would be to change microclimate in the greenhouse. Perhaps less water will help.
8 years ago
I think it's OK if swales are stable and do not cause soil erosion.
8 years ago

Scott Stiller wrote:Hello friends. We are all aware of the larger problems with using synthetic fertilizers. What I'm interested in is what if,anything gets out of balance when using them. Thank you

Well, using too much nitrogen fertilizers too close to harvest may result in nitrates accumulating in produce. Also, phosphates can leak into water reservoirs and cause abnormal blooming.
I hope it helps, or did you mean something different ?
8 years ago

Jose Maria Garcia wrote:

So do you want to find a long-term partner ?
8 years ago