Cynthia Rosdale

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since Jun 08, 2016
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Recent posts by Cynthia Rosdale

Natalie terrill wrote:Hello All Fellow VA cobbers!!!
I am so stoked to see so many people excited about cobbing!!! Especially in VA!! It is my hope that more and more people will see the value in building with natural, green materials as well as mindful conservation of the environment while doing so as time moves on! My family and I(myself, fiance, two small sons) have been living in our owner built cob home for 4 years and counting!!! Right here in central VA. We are expanding the farm this year with my new round cob office and meditation studio as well as beginning on a larger cob home being as we started with a small cob cottage. We never attended any workshops or had any outside help. We are proven individuals that cob can be done with only a couple of determined minds and some know how!! I did study for approximately 4 months from books, web, etc. on the methods and I spoke with the local counties on building regulations of cob prior to construction and purchase of our 16 acres. My fiance has a background in conventional house construction and is a trained mason. I have some training in sculpting and a strong creative background. However, the best learning was to just get out there and do. We did decide to build off grid and simply with solar power and well water, but that was a matter of personal choice. To put it plain, I was sick of paying rising utility bills!! We love our cob so much that we have decided to start beginning in 2017 to host workshops and classes on our land for the benefit of allowing individuals to experience cobbing in VA. We will be working on a few smaller buildings to give curious individuals the opportunity to experience not only what it is like to build with cob, but to also see what it is like to stay in a cob building off the grid and in a country/woodsy setting. I look forward to hear or rather reading all about everyone's wonderful cob adventures and I' ll bring my adventures too!!
Peace, Blessings, and Happy Cobbing!!!
All of us @ Barefootmedicines!!!

Natalie terrill wrote:Hello,
Someone asked about permits in the county we built our cobs in? When I first started seriously considering building my cob house, I made it a point to contact the county building inspector and speak with them first hand about the codes for cob in that county, that is after I looked it up myself before. In the county we are in, the inspector had never even heard of cob! So, there was my confirmation about codes and permits right there!! Of course I had to take my time and explain it in detail to them and surprisingly they were very open to the whole concept and seemed genuinely interested. There is also a regulation for the county that any building 120 sq ft and under is allowed as a agricultural structure. But mostly we decided to take a more "renegade" approach and bury ourselves deep 8n the center of our wooded property away from the road and neighbors. Our own little sanctuary amongst nature. Which ever way you decide, merry cobbing and all the cob joy imaginable.

This is very exciting!! I just recently learned about cob and from the moment I realized this is something that is actually possible, it became my dream to build my own cob house. I'm completely obsessed. I'm trying to pull information from everywhere I can, but this post is the first I've found with even a mention of a workshop in the area. I'm definitely interested if you are still planning to host one in 2017. I do have to ask though about your second post... it sounds like the county didn't approved your plans, so instead you built your structure out of sight? I'm hoping to find a good architect or engineer that can help with my plans and stamp them so I can get them approved through the county. I don't know if anyone knows of any architect/engineer in the area familiar enough with cob building to do that... but I figured I would throw it out there. I can't wait to see this movement gain some momentum in this area.
8 years ago