Hi There.
I'd like to add to this post if possible. I live in high desert (7000 ft.), mountain town. I'm trying to grow a raspberry bush. I purchased the Raspberry Shortcake Dwarf Thornless raspberry bush that is having issue. However, I had to go out of town for 2 weeks to help my mother so my husband was taking care of my garden. He has 10 black thumbs, no fingers so that might be part of the problem.
Anyway, the leaves are turning yellow, black and drying out at the ends and bottom. This plant is new, I just replanted it 3 weeks ago. Everything I search for this about this condition makes me more confused. It seems like everything causes this condition - not enough fertilizer, too much water, not enough water, fungus etc... I'd think living in a high desert, where we haven't had rain in about 2 months, we couldn't be over watering it..... I planted the bush as directed 1) hole two times the width of the pot. 2) prepare soil. I filled the bottom of the hole with Harvest Supreme Soil Amendment with 15% chicken manure. 3) placed the plant into the hole so the top of the root ball was above ground. 4) then I back filled the hole w/that soil amendment. 5) then I used some of our soil to cover the root ball on top.
Also, it looks like something has been eating off the tops of the bush.
Here are some pictures. I can dig it up to look at the roots but I wanted to get some advice first.