Regan Dixon wrote: Just curious, what do you have against dandelions?
Thank you Regan. As for the dandelions, I appreciate they are important habitat for bees. But it seems that they were well on the way to doing the grass in. Those large leave and stem systems were everywhere and not nice to walk in. I rent in a home occupied by the owner. Her yard had been ignored, mowed routinely, but not well. Last year I took a very hands on approach to it, endless hours of back breaking hawkweed and dandelion pulling. I learned to mow long, reverting from a gas through electric to a push mower. Repairing and grooming all season left the season ending with a very lush lawn. This year I will be planting my own vegetable and tomatoes for the first time and maybe some flowers. Its all money I don't really have, but with my dog we really get to enjoy the space. I will work to find some alternates to support the pollinating insects.