E. Dein

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since Jun 27, 2016
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Recent posts by E. Dein

Thank you so much for the great information, sincerely appreciate it!  I can't wait to start building!
God Bless!
8 years ago
Happy to hear about the earthen floor, it is exactly what we want to do.  Do you think it would be better to create a fireplace out of cob, install a Benjamin Franklin type stove, or do both?  Did you create any built-in seating with the adobe mix or niches...just wondering how hard it is to work with?  If you don't mind me asking...have you had any problems with rodents in the straw bales?  Most everything I have read on the internet says to make sure to cover the bales with cob and not leave any holes or cracks to avoid problems, but it would be great to hear from someone who is currently living in this type of sustainable home.
8 years ago
Hi Sunny,  Thank you for sharing your experience.  I love the house you built.  How long did it take to build it?  What did you use for the flooring?  Carolyn
8 years ago
Hi there,

Thank you for sharing so much great information with the permies.  My family and I are excited about potentially building a cob house.  We live in Arizona and are considering two very different areas in Arizona to build.  Can you tell me if either or both places will work for cob?  We have our eye on the Williams/Flagstaff area and Maricopa, Arizona.  Some sites say that the Flagstaff area has a few nights that are below freezing every year.  Plus, it gets a lot of snow.  Maricopa, Arizona can get really hot, getting up to 121 degrees F.  Would we need to insulate in either area or would building thicker walls take care of the challenge?  What kind of roof should we use in each area?  If we have a wood stove and fireplace in Flagstaff or Maricopa, would we need to include central heat/air in the build?  We want to make the building process as affordable and sustainable as possible, but at the same time build with a realistic expectation.  

Look forward to hearing from you.

8 years ago