Richard, I have some great news for you. this is going to start you on a whole new journey. First let me tell you that I have two type 1 diabetic children so I do know your daily challenges. My oldest which is now 17 got type 1 diabetes at age 9 months, before she could even walk I was giving her at least 4 shots a day and checking blood sugars at least 6 times a day. I now have a 5 year old with type 1 diabetes, he just got diagnosed last year. The great news I wish to share with you is some information I just recently found. Actually, a great doctor. His name is Dr. Morse. He has a you tube channel with hundreds of free educational videos. He has an office in Florida but will do skype appointments also. We have started the diet changes recommended and blood sugars have not been jumping up and down but rather they are constantly in range and have been for weeks now. I have just ordered to herbs to finish out the process. He helps people through a regenerative detox and it heals their problems. I know it sounds too good to be true, but trust me a little here. I would not tell you something that I have not been experiencing and researched myself. He helps any problem not just type 1 diabetes. He helps MS, all cancers, lupus, whatever you think can not be healed. I wont go into details here but I will say that the key is to detox the lymph system and clear out the acidic nature that it the source to all dis-eases. I hope that you will take the time to check him out. I know that you or anyone reading this will find great use of this information. Peace and have a great day.