Victor - do you know what kind of stone pines produce at UAF?
I'm in Anchorage (the balmy part - Spenard) and have 4 hazelberts from ST Lawrence Nursery planted along the west facing side of a building. They went in in 2009 and are now over 10 to 15 feet tall and spreading. They have had male catkins for many years, and female flowers the last few years, but even this amazingly long warm summer no nut set at all. Maybe someday, or maybe light or other things are big problems. If nothing else, they are happy and healthy and produce long straight stems and big leaves - baskets, wood for rocket stoves and mulch
I'd like to try Badgerset seedlings, but I'm almost out of room in my urban yard.
I also have a Korean pine planted in 2009. It is a couple of feet high now, started out a few inches high. I hear they produce better at elevation (something about humidity and such), so the coastal weather of Anchorage may not be conducive even if it ever gets big enough!
The university (UAA) has 30 foot tall burr oaks (also about 30 years old I think), and I went and checked this fall and saw no acorns at all.
I'd love any reports of any nuts produced on any trees in Alaska!