Jeffrey Warnock

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since Jul 22, 2016
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richard walker wrote:
I recently bought a kit from the supplier on your link. You may want to let him know that the slot size has been changed from 2" to 1" for the pull arm guide slot.
So far I have everything welded except the cam. It appears to be going well and Thank You for posting this!
A lot of welding could have been avoided and a stronger product as well, by building certain components out of 1/2" steel such as the bottom push assembly could have been cut as a T, as well as the top and bottom plates. I am currently working with a Machine shop and will have an alternative source available soon for these parts as a kit, using the same dimensions but a slightly different part layout using 1/2"  where needed for those of us who are not quite as handy at welding.
Again it was Awesome of You to post his resource! I will post again when it's done.

Richard, what is the name of the machine shop? And do they offer the parts with your modded design?
8 years ago