Living Woods Magazine -- 1st Issue
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anna gurney

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since Jul 24, 2016
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Recent posts by anna gurney

Hi there,

We are about to put the tiles on the radiant floor in our simple stone house. Do you have any recommendations? It's a radiant floor, nearly at the maximum thickness that the floor guy recommended. We used lime mortar (cal) instead of cement. And want to use mortar again when we lay the tiles. I have a very experienced builder doing the work.

Obviously we want to avoid chemicals, and use the most eco, yet durable option. Any thoughts on tile very much appreciated!

7 years ago
here's a dome we made in spain!
8 years ago
Hi there,

we run learning by doing programs near Barcelona in spain - for just 120 euros you can stay with us for a week with a permaculture expert! The catch? you will be doing practical work and contributing to the project that way instead of paying money to sit in a classroom all week! The bonus : I really believe you learn more by doing!!

Info is here -

Places still available! Just fill in the form


8 years ago
Nice links!!

Here are some pics of what we managed to do at my place in Spain -

Come and visit if you're interested!

8 years ago
Our latest project was building this geodesic dome!!

Take a look -

Please let me know what you think!! and if you have any questions about Erasmus funding I'll be happy to help.

8 years ago
Anyone interested in learning how to design and build a radiant floor? we are going to build one at Boodaville Permaculture Education Project and teach the process and theory to participants in our learning by doing program in september - take at the link for more information, 10 - 24 September, nr Calaceite Spain ‪#‎permaculture‬  and see this blog post if you like!

come share with us!!

8 years ago
Hi there,

This is my first post here! I run a project in Spain (2.5 hrs from Barcelona) and we are looking for someone to come and join us for two weeks and lead a group of people in building a radiant floor. We have the budget to make it happen and are now looking for people with skills!!!

Please see the project at and email me or reply here if you have eco- construction skills and might like a trip to Spain!

8 years ago