Linda Bianchi

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since Aug 04, 2016
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Love to garden even though it's always challenging. 
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DFW, Texas
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Recent posts by Linda Bianchi

Yes, I did.  Mixed garden soil into the potting soil.  It's a beautiful plant.  Looks tasty.  :)
6 years ago
Thanks.  I did add carrot seeds to this container - made a note and a marker for them but the other plant is a mystery.  Don't remember adding any other seeds but the end of the growing season was too many months ago to be sure.  It does 'look' edible.  
6 years ago
I tend to empty seed packets into containers at the end of the year if they're over a few years old.  Most of the time I write down what I did, but not this time (or the only other time I posted on permies).  Can someone tell me what this plant is, please?
6 years ago
Thank you!  I had a few seeds of NZ Spinach but hadn't ever grown it before.  And, I don't remember sowing those seeds, but guess I did.  
8 years ago
I may have planted seed for this, but I don't remember and it's not in my notes.  Do any of you know what it is?
8 years ago