Hi David L
thank you for your response, Yes I have had a look at both these hives, however they are still built for people not bees. well that is debatable I suppose.
big differences in my style:
I designed myne around the bees then only added a method of removing honey. with the idea of having no control over the shape of comb they build.. both these hives have some sort of bars for the bees to build on. I have non.
in addition the entire thing is screwed shut once the bees are in. so only access is with an endoscope.
compared to the sun hive , my training only requires one day, and is a 1/5 of the price, and you also get to go home with your hive! and a bait hive!! (just kidding , I don't do courses , yet
( training and teaching seems to very much be part of the permaculture ethic so I had better start learning how to teach!!
I have never had any formal training on bees, only hands on. so I suppose it gave me a slightly slanted look at how they work.. and what I was endeavoring to to here was to give them what they needed , well two mane things.
one is the ability to build twisted comb, or a maize typ com .. ( this I think is part of their defence )
an to build cell size of thier cheesing ( a defence thing as well as more productive rearing process..)
just what I have observed , probably completely wrong , but then maybe not so much?
then from the MAN side of things.. if you look at time and effort and money put in , If you where to want to produce honey, realising my hives are 1/10 the price, you would end up with 10 times as many hive , but realising you only have to visit them two times a your maybe three, the labour is the same..
then my hives yield less, but there are 10 times as many!!
so I have not had the results in yet, as I have not hives to compare in a season to , but in the same location in the same year I would thing for the same input, I would at worst get the same honey yield from the side boxes.
seculation at the moment, but this is based on natural permaculture ideas, so should be viable..
time will tell.
Ps I had a look, your hives look great, how did you get on with them this year??
Kevin H