Aimee Tidman

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since Aug 12, 2016
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Recent posts by Aimee Tidman

Welcome Laura,
I've been quiet here for ages as we are looking to move house soon and hoping to try and install a small grey water system in a cabin in the garden, it would mostly be for hand washing and the like. I'll be looking to here for guidance on the best tiny scale system soon I hope!
7 years ago
Thanks for the reply, yes we use the worms for raw waste and the bokashi for everything else like pasta or old bread or stuff I can't put in worm bin like onion amd citrus and all cooked leftovers.  I love the system tbh, it works well for me. I've been adding it to my compost heap on the allotment which is mostly grass and bedding from the animals that I take over there. I add some bedding to the worms once a week or so and have to say that are doing g a fabulous job! I'm tempted to go for a full worm set up as my homemade one isn't that great for harvest.  
Thanks for the advice x
8 years ago
Thabks Susan, I don't deep liter as we have three small houses due to infighting.  Also I admit our birds are just pets, they are good slug eaters but very fussy on leftovers! The cheeky madams.
Thanks for the advice on composting the Guinea pig bedding.  I can't put it all in at once as we are restricted by size here, we only have a small box for the worms, they get veg peelings and tea and coffee too. I run bokashi as we have two small kids here too so get random leftover food bits but I love the way it all works anyway.  The bacteria must be good I figure. Plus I'm adding the contents of the bokashi.bins to the allotment compost heap now and when the beds are finally dug in they will be topped up with bokashi regularly.
8 years ago
I should add I'm in the UK so not too warm here. Even summer is pretty hit and miss 😂
8 years ago
Anyone able to help?
8 years ago
I have a large round plastic water tank that is surplus to requirements for water storage but I want to find a new use for it. It is over a meter wide and a meter high. I already have lots of tanks for compost tea and water so want to use it to grow something in. Any ideas?

I can't dig it in as I have heavy clay soil and can't get a digger in and believe me there is no way I can dig it down!
8 years ago
Out of interest would I be able to do this with hemp bedding?  It breaks down fast but I also keep Guinea pigs on it too. Thanks
8 years ago
A few noob questions here.
I have bokashi that I use in my kitchen for the majority of my food waste but also a home made vermicompost box too which I am just getting going.
I am thinking about making my own em Bran with the tea from the bokashi.bins as I'm fed up.with spending out for inoculated Bran. I don't have dairy so won't be using the milk method but do make kombucha and water kefir at times. Any tips on that method at all?
Also I wondered if I can compost the hemp bedding from our pet Guinea pigs in the vermicompost box? I assume it would count as brown waste?
I also have hens and ducks on hemp too but realise that's too hot to put in the worm box. We have a small garden and an allotment so I can transfer it there but if beds would t be used til spring can I spread it over them to compost in that time?
I'm in the UK if that makes a difference
8 years ago