LoriLeigh Crouch

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since Aug 15, 2016
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Recent posts by LoriLeigh Crouch

Any updates on your land and the possible community there?
8 years ago
Looks like it's been a while since posting and I am wondering if you've found someone for a land contract.  My husband and I are in the Ozarks for the next few weeks and would love to look at your " parcels".  If you are interested please contact me:  lori.crouch1975@gmail.com
8 years ago
I just typed out a long PM and lost it lol.  I would like to speak with you about visiting if you could e-mail me your number and I will call you.  Thank you!
8 years ago
I was thinking of it.  However, if we go some place cold for any time in the winter we'll have to spend some money on straw bales or such to insulate the under side of our bus.
8 years ago
How are your winters there?m
8 years ago
Is this a fall and winter position, or just preparing for next year?
8 years ago
Any updates on land purchasing and planting?
8 years ago
Are you still looking for people to come to your land?  My husband and I converted a school bus with solar, composting toilet, etc. and are looking for a place to work and learn for a bit.  
8 years ago