Tom Hren

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since Oct 05, 2016
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50 miles north of Grand Rapids. Passionate about gardening and simple living.
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West Michigan-zone 5b
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Recent posts by Tom Hren

Greetings, Aimee, Jason, Alex & Wes! Good to hear from you.
When did you move onto your place?

This was the craziest April I can recall. Maybe winter is finally over?
Getting some sunshine today...makes me want to start digging in the dirt.

Welcome! And best of luck to you!
6 years ago
T Boon, I sent you a private message.
7 years ago
Hello, T Boon (and everyone else!). Welcome to our beautiful area of Mecosta County. I am in Big Rapids. I, too, am a serious lurker here but rarely submit posts as others seem to have the good stuff covered.
Spring is in full bloom, the garden chores are beckoning and I have good seed crying out to be planted.  Let us all hope for a bumper crop of veggies and fruits this year and every year. Happy gardening to all!
7 years ago
From your photo, it appears to be red osier dogwood (Cornus stolonifera) or perhaps one in the same genus.
They spread by underground stolons. We have them all over Michigan.
That is what popped up in my mind when I first glanced at the pic. Hope you solve your mystery!
7 years ago
I am 40 miles south of Cadillac and 50 miles north of Grand Rapids, right off US131.
What am I about? Wow, that is a good question. I am about too many things, Always curious about the how and why of things.
Especially into my family, all things green and growing, organic gardening, reading, food preservation, plant propagation, and simple, quiet living, just to name a very few.

8 years ago
Just joined today. I decided it was time to quit lurking as I have done for several years.
I have learned so much from this site and check in a few times a week.

Enjoy the beautiful fall...there is much to do before winter arrives.
8 years ago