Gene Locke

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since Oct 18, 2016
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Southeast Texas 30 N by 093W Zone 9A
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Recent posts by Gene Locke

     I have watched the video of the contest between your rocked stove and the propane cooker.  I was impressed with the results.  I have wondered
every since how to build one.  I was glad to see you offer some plans for sale.  I hoped I was getting a set of plans with step by step illustrations
and material list. I need more information before I can build one.

6 years ago
i plan to build some raised beds using interlocking vinyl sheet piles. Can I use material from a rough cut sawmill as a base fill instead of logs. It will be from hardwood. The saw blades produce vary course shreadded wood instead of sawdust. Some people use it as mulch around trees and bushed.  
6 years ago
I live on Texas zone 9A.  It gets hot and humid here.  I use both high tech and cotton to work outdoors.  i have a fishing buddy who in another lifetime was a pro baseball pitcher. he wears short sleeve white cotton T shirt under a long sleeve cotton soft white shirt. It works for him.  The sweat soaks the T shirt and it slowly evaporates to help cool the body.  On a recent fishing trip to the Amazon I wore long nylon pants and nylon long sleeve shirts.  I drank at lease a gallon of water each day, wore a Tilley wide bream hat and sun gloves.  If I felt the need, I poured water on my head and shoulders.  
6 years ago
Thank for the replies.  I can't open burn in the City but I can try the insulating the barrel.
8 years ago
I know this topic has been covered many times, but I haven't been able to find it.   I built a pocket rocket to burn out a 55 gal drum. but it will only remove the paint on the bottom 1/3.  the bottom temp reach 900 deg F and 400 on the lid.  any help would be appreciated.

8 years ago
That is cool.  how do you keep it in place?
8 years ago
Excuse my ignorance, but what exactly does a brush dam do
8 years ago
Are there any cob structures being built in southeast Texas or Southwest Louisiana?  I would like to volunteer on one of them.
8 years ago
   Thank you for the reply.  I will start soaking the near 100% clay soil tomorrow.  It may take a little longer than a couple of days .  I have already soaked some for 3 days without any change.  

8 years ago
I am new to the forum and need some help.  i have built a 6" j tube from loose stacked firebricks and it work great.  Now I would like to mortar the bricks with clay slip.  Here is the problem.  I have several different local clay soils to choose from. One soil is 66% clay and 33% sand, another is 20% clay and 80% sand.  The last one I have tried has so much clay in it that it won't melt in water.  I have dried the first soil and hammered it into small pieces added some sand and it made good slip.I know this is the long way to get the question so here it is.  Is there anyway to process the pure clay soil without drying it first?

Merry Christmas to you all,

8 years ago