Manuel Vazquez Suances

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since Nov 09, 2016
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Recent posts by Manuel Vazquez Suances

hello from Spain
I'm planning to build a Batch Box stove with a hood, using an old stove that has a one-meter tall glass panel, and in the middle of that glass, there is a double glass at the upper part. I intend to modify it and create a partition halfway through that space with a channel to route secondary air there through a channel 'P' to feed the vortex. I would like to know your opinion to see if this second glass and therefore the door glass would withstand the temperature. I have attached a sketch of the Sketchup plan as well as a photo of the original chimney
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1 year ago
SketchUp modified plans to transform a ´Frankling tradicional Stove to  batch Box
6 years ago
Hy everyone!!!  from Madrid Spain I'm New here
I am building a batch box and I want to ask you if it's posible to put double size of bricks (2 tiles) for the chimenie instead of 1 tiles of bricks, without   the 1thbarrell around the bricks. Only put the outside big barrell
8 years ago