Hi Permies,
First post here. I'm thinking of creating a mobile sculpted tinyhouse and here is what I've brainstormed so far. The obvious problem I'm tackling here is that cob is far too heavy for an easily towable structure. I'm thinking I could create a coblike compound replacing some or all of the sand with sawdust, but I've been unable to find any info on the idea because I guess it hasn't been tried yet, didn't work, or just wasn't posted about. The other thought would be to make bottle walls and fill the bottles with sawdust instead of water or leave them empty, using cob in between as mortar to give the bottle walls their structure. The sawdust idea interests me the most as it would be very kind to work with and hopefully the resulting product would be light enough. Combining the two ideas, I could embed plastic bottles in the sawdust cob wall to further lighten it but again, I'm not sure what kinds of problems the sawdust will pose. I'm also open to other material ideas as long as they are green and very affordable.
Thanks in advance.