Amy Robinson

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since Nov 30, 2016
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We eat pretty much anything that grows on a farm. We are not vegetarian, but will only eat free range or wild meat. There is only the 2 of us. By climate conditions do you mean global warming? I know water is a concern in that part of the world.
8 years ago

My husband and are looking for land in Colorado to start a small homestead. We have lived in Haines, Alaska for the past 15 years where we have built an off the grid timber frame cabin with a rain catchment system. We love Alaska but we also love growing food year round. I have read Jerome Osentoski's (prob not spelled correctly) book about a four season permaculture greenhouse. Our dream is to build a passive solar straw bale timber frame home. We have spend the last 2 winters in the Ridgeway/Montrose area and have helped with Buckhorn gardens year round CSA. We are amazed with what is possible in Colorado with the year round sun. Winters in Alaska are so long and dark, but we do have abundant salmon, clean air, and clean water...

We have just recently been gifted a loan from family and are looking for the perfect piece of land. Im not sure if we can handle 35 acres, we were thinking more like 5 or less, but we would love to see photos or learn more about what you are hoping to sell. If you would like to know more about us let us know! Peace and love
8 years ago